In 1988, not long after the passing of my brother Johnny Joe, I was approached by a very talented group of young men on their way up to stardom, the sensational "Tejano Breed". They asked me to be their manager and help them promote their unique and very Tejano sound. Talk about being excited, ME... I did not even really know the group existed. With their talent and some help with some of my songs, these youngsters honed their talent and with every performance became more and more Tejano star material. Got them a promo/demo tape recorded which included 10 original songs and two Cornelio Reyna covers. After several tries, I finally got an interview with the San Antonio local representative of Rodven Records, then a subsidiary of Sony Music, which gave me the opportunity to present the Demo/promo. Mr. Rivera started playing it, after about halfway through the first song on the cassette tape, he stopped it and looked at me It caught me by surprise, I thought, this is it, he doesn't like it. No, he said hold on, I want someone else to listen to this. Went out came back with his boss, they both listened to the entire rest of the tape They both got up from their chairs, came up to me and asked "how soon can we start"??? We made an appointment for the next week, Tejano Breed came in with me and we signed their first recording contract. Tejano Breed was on it's way to a very successful music career. Three very successful albums. Long story but that was the beginning of my collaboration efforts. In the span of those first few years, I collaborated with Shelly Lares, she recorded a song I wrote, "Te voy a olvidar". La Tropa F, they recorded three of my songs: "Pedacito de mi vida", "Es tu Culpa", and "Olvidala". Joe Bravo recorded two of my songs: "Solo" and "Es Amor, Es Pasion, Es Locura". And another local, Carrizo Springs talented group originally knows as "Los Chicanos" and later became the group known as "Baby Phase", also recorded on of my songs on their first and only album: "Calla". Tejano Breed recorded several of my songs on their three albums, most of them in the first two albums. Collaboration has been a really big part of my efforts which allowed me to establish my own song publishing company, "Espinoza Publishing Co." and of course, JJ Productions. All these collaboration efforts are listed and are included below for your listening pleasure.
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Song Writer
The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Quisque congue porttitor ullamcorper. Aenean eu justo sed elit dignissim aliquam. Aenean eu justo sed elit dignissim aliquam. Maecenas non leo laoreet, condimentum lorem nec, vulputate massa.